Tanzania Family Safari invites you for adventurous holidays with your family



A Tanzania safari is an ultimate destination if you are looking for an adventurous trip with your family. Every time you come for a trip to Northern Tanzania safari, we can guarantee you some unique experiences as there is so much to explore in the Tanzanian wildlife. Even if you already visited this place, you would get to explore some new animals and adventures in this wonderful place. Tanzania family safari allows you to bring in everyone from your family including the grandparents and small kids to this amazing safari experience. There are excellent arrangements for accommodations and activities for all types of families but you need to check the availability in advance. Also, the rates of the lodge can vary significantly depending upon numerous factors. Thus, it is best that you plan and book everything in advance to avoid any last-minute hassle that can spoil your adventure.

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Family Accommodations

There are some wonderful family suites available in Tanzania but their numbers and limited. There are other accommodations in between but they cannot match the experience of a family suite. Thus, you must keep a lodge as the last priority. You can find some great family accommodations at Lake Manze in Selous in the south and Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, Sasakwa in the north. In addition to the above, you can also find family suites at Baraza, Ras Kutani, Ras Nungwi etc.

Cost of Accommodations

The fare of the different lodges can vary a lot depending upon various factors such as the quality of the lodge, services offered etc. They can also differ in terms of child pricing. In most of the lodges, children up to 12 years are charged just half of the fare of an adult. Some other lodges like Nomad apply child rates to individuals who are up to 21 years of age.

Take Special Care if you are traveling with small Children

You can plan for Tanzanian Safari even if you are having children less than 12 years of age but with some restrictions. You would need to cut short your driving hours and thus you would not be able to go for full north Tanzania safari. Also, you need be very careful about choosing the right itinerary that allows children of this age. Walking and boating is strictly not allowed if you are having small children in your group. However, you can be rest assured about the arrangements at the itinerary and enjoy a memorable time at Tanzania family safari.

Tanzania is wonderful destination to witness the great Serengeti migration



Serengeti invites you to witness one of the most amazing migrations in the open grasslands of Tanzania. You can spend your entire life exploring the wildlife in its natural form. Serengeti was chosen as the first World Heritage Site by the delegates of the United States in 1972. Since then, Serengeti migration safari has become one of the most popular safaris in the world. The great migration of the wildebeest is just one part of the adventure as you have magnificent African lions, spectacular landscapes and much more to explore in Tanzania.

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Every year, you get a chance to witness that great Serengeti migration that involves more than 1.5 million wildebeest and about 200,000 zebras as they run for their life. In a 1,200 miles journey chasing the rain, they go through plains, woodlands and hills to complete an amazing migration. It is a cycle that repeats itself every year as wildebeest chase the rains to keep themselves alive. About half a million of calves are born every year between January and March and they need to migrate to Maasai Mara as rain ends in May. They migrate back to the Serengeti as the rain strikes in the month of October. Thus, timing is the key when you decide to go for Serengeti migration safari.

The entire migration of the wildebeest is driver by rains. If you are planning your trip between July and October, you would not get to see anything in Serengeti as all the herd appears in Kenya. The rains hit the plains of Serengeti in October and continue up to May. March is the best time to plan your Serengeti migration safari as this the time when it has rained just enough to invite the wildebeest to the open plains of Serengeti for breeding. If you are in Serengeti earlier, you would need to wait for a while and if you become late then the heavy rains would make it almost impossible to set your camps.

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If you love adventure, Tanzania has lots of other attractions that you would not want to miss out. Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing is one of them that take you to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro to give you a stunning view of the open grasslands from the top. It is the highest place that you can go in Africa and also the tallest freestanding mountain on the earth. Overall, Tanzania is a great destination for adventure lovers with safari, trekking, boating, camping and lot more.

Enjoy Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing and Safari to Africa and Tanzania Wildebeest


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Do you have the ambition of climbing one of the famous mountains of African region i.e. Mount Kilimanjaro? If yes, you should definitely give your valuable time in knowing about few key aspects of Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing and expedition.

Overview on Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro gained its name as the highest mountain of Tanzania in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain of the earth. This majestic mountain has everlasting crown of snowcap and it is in the popular Kilimanjaro National Park at about 5 degrees of South and at the height of 5895 meters.

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How Tour Guides are Helpful

Individuals willing to experience Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing should approach tour guides, as they provide accurate yet valuable pieces of information to make sure about successful summit at the time of mountain climbing. They mainly provide details about itineraries, necessary hyperlinks, route maps, stunning pictures and photographs of each major route. These include Lemosho, Arrow Glacier, Marangu, Shira and Umbwe, along with other trekking routes.

Other Excitements at Tanzania and Kenya

Excluding the panoramic views of Mount Kilimanjaro, visiting to Tanzania also allows you to enjoy wildlife safaris. Interesting fact is that Tanzania is able to provide visitors with varieties of unimaginable safari experiences to individuals. Moreover, by combining with beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, Tanzania acts as an ultimate spot to experience Tanzania safari and beach holidays with friends and family members.

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Particularly, the place has the most iconic destination to enjoy safari tour at Serengeti. Here, you will experience a widely opened savannah strewn with zebra and wildebeest migrations. Also known as the biggest show on the Earth, you will find annual migration of more than thousands of zebras as well as millions of wildebeest constituting unique natural phenomena across the world.

On the other side, tourists interested to view national parks of Tanzania and Kenya regions may choose for Kenya and Tanzania safari packages offered by good tour companies of Africa. Safari tours play major role to blend Amboseli and Masai Mara reserves of Kenya with Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti of Tanzania. According to experts, wildebeest migration constitutes the best reason to combine the two destinations. The migration commences in the southern region of Serengeti in Tanzania and moves ahead from its western and central regions, while later on, goes into Masai Mara in Kenya. Therefore, by combining your trip to Tanzania and Kenya, you will get the opportunity to view mega herds and gain enjoyment with the best possible and crowd free nature’s view of Africa.

Get Adventurous Wildlife Safari Experience with Your Tanzania Safari Tour


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Every individual, who plans for a tour to Tanzania think firstly about the famous safari parks located in its north Tanzania’s region, the Ngorongoro Center, the Serengeti and the almighty Mount Kilimanjaro. Reason for this is that each place categorizes under Tanzania Safari gives an excellent and an adventurous safari experience to visitors, details of which you would get in this article.

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Northern Circuit Safari

Northern Tanzania Safari includes a well-settled Northern Circuit safari to provide few of the worldwide-diversified safari experiences to travelers. These consist of game reserves, national parks, conservation areas and various privately operated concessions. Among them, you will be able to visit the worldwide famous yet iconic Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, Ngorongro Crater and Lake Manyara National Park.

All of these parks intend to meet a common objective to provide protection to various amazing varieties of animals and abundance of seasonal as well as residential wild creatures present there. Particularly, Tanzania parks have protected the worldwide biggest annual migration of zebra and wildebeest.

After this, the great Migration of Serengeti gives one among the amazing wildlife experience of the world, while safari across the Crater floor belonging to Ngorongoro extinct volcano gives opportunity to view excellent features of the environment. Arusha constitutes the starting point for the northern safari, which local area people also called Maasai village. Later on, you have to move ahead to the respective park where you want to visit and enjoy.

Great Migration Safari of Serengeti

Tourists will be able to experience and view natural phenomenon during the Serengeti migration safari tour. If you have adequate time and courage, you could complete the annual wildebeest migration that takes place in Masai Mara and Serengeti regions.

Noticing fact is that individuals will be able to come across more than two millions of wild animals, including wildebeest, gazelles and zebra, all of which roam clockwise across the mentioned enormous ecosystem operated via ancient instincts in the search of water and fresh grazes.

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Travelers want to experience Serengeti safari tours should approach reputed companies involved in providing safari services, as they help individual travelers by providing various properly located accommodation facilities in Serengeti and Masai Mara, so that they could easily enjoy the migration trip in hassle-free way as possible. Therefore, only you have to schedule your adventurous tour to Tanzania with your friends and family members to get the wonderful experience of wildlife there.

Northern and Western Tanzania safari – An Epic Adventure


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A combination of the wildlife, beautiful landscapes and friendly people make Tanzania safari the most interesting adventure ever. The Serengeti National Park has the greatest wildlife concentration on earth, making it the top destination in the country. In addition to this, the park has the greatest annual wildebeest migration, zebras and other wild animals. Being the largest country in East African, Tanzania has many parks with abundant wildlife, which gives travelers a variety of options. Serengeti is the largest and the most famous park in the country. It covers an area of 14,763 square kilometers and a part from the wildebeest, visitors are guaranteed to see the big five (lion, leopard, buffalo, leopard, elephant).

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Northern Tanzania safari offers many world class wildlife areas within a relatively small area. Serengeti, Kilimanjaro and Ngorongoro are the best known regions but Tarangire, Natron, Manyara, and Eyasi are also well worthy of consideration. Tanzania boasts some stunning scenery, incredible diversity and enormous variety and concentrations of wildlife. Almost four in every five visitors to Tanzania visit this Northern region alone, most of them on jeep safari or driving safaris. But most of these safari tourists concentrate only on the well known hotspots and miss out completely on the very best areas and experiences.

Western Tanzania is a small hidden gem in Africa. More and more people recognize this and perhaps talk about it with reverence but you’ll find that very few have visited it in any great depth. Katavi and Mahale National parks are the main areas but the rest of Lake Tanganyika is worth considering, along with places such as Rukwa, Malagarasi and Ugalla. Western Tanzania safari is a must if you are looking for sheer adventure.

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In any case, a Rwanda Tanzania safari allows you to engage in all manner of exciting activities that you may never have encountered before – and maybe never will again. Enjoy a cooked breakfast in the middle of a forest, view the epic scenery via hot air balloon and even tailor your trip to a unique set of specifications. Safari trip providers are generally adept at catering for a wide array of plans and activities, and putting together safari schedules that run like clockwork, even when different members of your group wish to do different things at the same time. Longer Tanzania trips can involve multiple modes of transport, allowing you to venture from location to location via a mix of driving and flying. What’s also appealing to many people is that it’s generally possible to finish your trip around the terrains of Africa with a few days relaxing at a lush beach when completing your Tanzania safari.

Why Tanzania Safari Is Absolutely Different From Other Type Of Vacations?


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Safari holidays shouldn’t be strenuous or taxing. They could be equally refreshing & luxurious like many other holidays out there.

When looking for a Kenya and Tanzania safari holiday, you can be rest in peace that you are going to have an unforgettable experience whether you are with your family or close friends. Safari vacations are quite dissimilar from the typical holidays. They’re more adventurous & full of fun & excitement. In a Tanzania family safari, you have the option to accommodate in luxury lodges, camps or beach hotels.

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If you are planning Tanzania safari adventure, here are a few places of interests that you must take into account:

Ngorongoro Crater: Ngorongoro Crater is world’s largest unspoiled volcanic caldera. It’s appraised to have 25,000 animals & has the globe’s popular Big 5. In this crater you will get to see a wide variety of wildlife. The big 5 that you get to see here are lion, buffalo, rhino, lion and leopard.

Serengeti National Park: This world-famous national-park feature the biggest number of migratory wild creatures & here you will also get to see the massive migration. This safari pursues the migration trail amid Serengeti & Masai Mara. The yearly wildebeest migration is such an amazing experience that nobody like to miss out on.

Masai Mar: If you’re looking for the finest game reserves on the planet, then this is the place to be. Every year thousands of creatures migrate to this national park in search of green grass. This national park feature unlimited species of animals encompassing the Big 5.

Selous and Ruaha: These 2 isolated & unspoiled national parks are the best part of your Tanzania safari. Selous is the most protected game park in East Africa. It’s mostly accessible via a tiny aircraft. The remoteness of this location has preserved in time. It’s quite demanding to arrive at this location and this challenge has contributed significantly in sustaining its natural splendor. It still remains untouched by the humans & that’s the most fascinating thing about this place.

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A safari holiday with an experienced travel consultant will make a huge difference. They can be your best guide. These experienced travel consultants have visited many parks and lodges and they can provide you the best possible advice. With their experience and knowledge they can make your Tanzania safari and beach holiday a lifetime memory. So, plan your Tanzania safari now with the most reliable tour agency out there.

Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing – A Lifetime Adventure



Culminating at 5895, Mt Kilimanjaro is by far Africa’s highest & most majestic mountain. Climbing Kilimanjaro is a memorable experience, and anyone who’s physically fit can mount this snow-covered mountain on one of the several routes accessible. However, there are quite a few things you should keep in mind before attempting Kilimanjaro climbing. Let’s have a look at them:

Know Kilimanjaro weather condition:

Because of its nearness to the equator, Tanzania doesn’t experience substantial transformations in temperatures, but rather wet & dry seasons. Therefore, it’s feasible to Mount Kilimanjaro climbing throughout the year.

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The rainy season usually take place from February to May, whereas the region experience short precipitations from November to December.

June & July are probably the most popular climbing months with clear blue skies, though it’s colder than August-October when the climate is temperate. January is possibly the warmest of months to climb Mt Kilimanjaro, which’s why many people prefer to climb Mt Kilimanjaro on the New Year’s Eve.

Training required for Kilimanjaro climbing:

Kilimanjaro climbing isn’t technically demanding and it doesn’t need any specialized mountain training or equipment, but it makes wisdom to encompass some physical preparation into your routine to make the most of your climbing experience.

The best training you can do for Kilimanjaro climbing is trekking hills. Apart from that, swimming, cycling and running are great means of workouts that’ll develop your muscle potency and enhance your overall fitness level.

Don’t ignore the importance of Guides and Porters:

Kilimanjaro porters, guides and cooks play a crucial part in assisting you attain the summit. You want to focus on your climb rather than carrying your loads. Having a porter by the side of you, you don’t need to worry about the extra weight.

Have knowledge about altitude sickness:

The main difficulty encountered when trekking Kilimanjaro is the altitude, which in extreme cases can upshot in AMS (acute mountain sickness). Majority of the trekkers experience some sort of discomfort over 3,500m, such as nausea, headache or appetite loss, but this can be cured by consuming adequate water.

Temperatures drop throughout the night, and hypothermia is a genuine possibility if you’re not prepared properly. A warm sleeping bag, thermal underwear, thick socks, hats and gloves will all help maintain your body temperature stable.

As soon as you reach over 5000 meters, the earth’s defensive atmosphere reduces by an astounding 55 percent so the sun’s rays are very stronger. Sun protection of factor 50+ is advised, along with a wide-brimmed hat & quality sunglasses.

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Nevertheless, you can combine Kenya and Tanzania safari together to make the most out of your adventure trip Africa.

Three Places to Consider For Your Next Tanzania Family Safari


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Have you got tired doing your 9 to 5 job? What about considering a Tanzania family safari vacation to unwind & revitalize your exhausted thoughts? Tanzania family safaris boast some of the finest game reserves which can be explored with great fun. Tanzania is rightly known as a paradise for animal lovers with more lands devoted towards the protection of wildlife than any other countries in the planet. As far as Tanzania family safari vacations are concerned, there are a great number of options to choose from.

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Lake Manyara National Park: Your kids and the other members in your family are going to be astounded by the incredible wildlife & scenery of this game reserve. Lake Manyara’s famous tree-climbing lions are one of the best reasons to buy a ticket for this park. Besides lions, the park is also home to the highest concentration of baboons – a fact that makes your Tanzania safari even more exciting and full of adventures. However, the most exciting experience here will be the game drives; primarily because the open vehicle allows tourists additional viewing room.

Serengeti National Park: No other sanctuary in Africa feature wildlife like the Serengeti National Park. It is also the largest park of Tanzania. Here you get to see large pride of lions lying on the lengthy grasses, elephants feeding on acacia bark, and giraffes, gazelles, monkeys, eland, plus the entire variety of African wildlife is in awe-inspiring numbers. And how can you miss the annual wildebeest migration that attracts tourists from every corner of the world.

Selous Game Reserve: Selous Game Reserve is quite unique amongst Tanzania’s other popular preserves sanctuaries simply because it’s actually a game reserve, not a national park, and due to this a large varieties of activities are permitted here. Boating safaris are becoming a well-admired substitute to vehicle based tours, and provide travelers an opportunity to explore the distinctive life along the Rufigi River. Fly camping and hiking safaris are also the ideal way to discover the nation and add a little adventure to your journey.

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Tanzania is really a great option for family safari. Since a lot of tour operator offering customized Northern Tanzania safari these days, you can find an itinerary that best fit your travel need and up course time. Due to heavy competition, it is also now possible to find a jaw dropping Tanzania safari deal. So, don’t be too late! Explore your Tanzania safari options now!

Northern Tanzania Safari – A Completely Diverse Safari Experience



One of the most preferred destinations for vacationers & safari enthusiasts Northern Tanzania features a great deal of attractions such as the Mt Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro Crater, Great Rift Valley, Serengeti National Park, etc. If you’re keen to explore a wide range of wildlife, then Northern Tanzania safari should be your best bet..

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The well-established ‘Northern Circuit’ safari of northern Tanzania offers some of the world’s most diverse safari experiences, consisting of National Parks, game reserves, conservation areas and private concessions. Among these are the world-famous and iconic Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater, and of course their less well-known neighbors, Tarangire National Park and Lake Manyara National Park.

There is also a great deal of activities that you can relish in Northern Tanzania such as hiking or climbing the snow-covered peaks of Mt Kilimanjaro. The Serengeti plains are also packed with so many lovely sights that it could take you days to explore all of them. The major attractions in this province are the safaris & the mountain treks but there are several other exciting activities that you can experience during your stay as well. One can try bird watching at the Lake Eyasi where they get to hear the sounds of different birds as it echoes via the serene lake. The lake is home to a huge number of bird species. Another activity to strive is hiking up the routes of Mt Meru. The climb itself is exhilarating but once you get there you will be overwhelmed by the panoramic view. During sunset the sight is even more incredible as you watch the sun sink on the horizon. If you wish a more adventurous hike then you can do that at the uneven routes of the Crater Highlands. This hike provides an adventure-filled blend of barren lands & rugged trails.

The starting point for a northern safari is Arusha and Mwanza, which was once a traditional Maasai village. International flights arrive either through Dar, a two hour flight from Arusha, or Kilimanjaro which is only a half an hour drive away. Your northern safari can start with a short flight from Arusha to any of the parks, or even a drive.

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Be it a Western Tanzania safari or Northern Tanzania safari, you will be fascinated by the splendor they have to offer. From magnificent wild animals to abundant flora – Tanzania has everything to fascinate its travelers. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next Tanzania safari with a dependable tour operator now!

Tanzania Safari – A life-Time Adventure in Itself


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The word ‘safari’ has approached from the local idiom of Tanzania Swahili. It would not be incorrect to say Tanzania as the safari capital of not just Africa but also the whole planet. During a trip to Tanzania, you can’t miss the engrossing splendor of Serengeti National Park & migration of 1.5 million white-bearded wildebeest, uncountable zebras & Nile crocodiles.

The magical plains of Serengeti:

Spread over never-ending plains the name Serengeti itself is adopted from the Masaai as Siringitu which denotes “place where the lands runs forever”. You’ll discover massive diversity in Serengeti as the plains comprised black clays plains, lush-green grassy region, savannah, wooded grassland, rivers, lakes and swamps. You’ll discover the globe’s greatest mixture of ecosystem & habitants making it the largest mammal throng.

Enclosing some of the best northern circuit tour attractions of Africa, Serengeti national park is best known for its wildlife and natural splendor. You might have heard the term “Serengeti migration safari” – that attracts tourists from all over the world.

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In a nation where misadventures make up some of the finest stories and the incredible vast wildlife make up some of the best caught-on-camera photo shoots and videos, it goes without saying that only the Serengeti safari has the best of the best. In actual sense, there’s more to the Serengeti plains than just the exciting wildebeest migration that is worldly known.

When to plan a Serengeti Safari

Serengeti is definitely a year round travel destination and you can plan your safari trip to this part of Africa at any time of the year depending upon what wildlife creatures you would like to explore. If you are planning a budget Bujaro and Serengeti safari visiting during rainy months, April to June would be ideal and the game viewing will still be awesome. However if you are planning your Serengeti safari trip anywhere during July to November, book ahead as this is the peak season and bookings may be full. To detain the true beauty of this place visiting during the annual migration change will give you ecstatic views of wildebeest and zebra moving from Serengeti to Masai Mara.

Ask your tour operator to add Arusha Mwanza safari into your Serengeti safari itinerary to make the most of your African vacation. A flexible safari operator should be able to customize their trip as their guests want. So, choose your Tanzania safari operator wisely and have the best view of Africa!